Dune House sculptural form is carefully integrated into the landscape
As if sculpted by the elements, the Dune House appears as a rough diamond embedded into the dunescape. Unfolding along a spiral route, the split-level interior reflects the experience of wandering through the dunes, where the atmosphere changes from sheltered to open with uninterrupted sea views. With its meticulous detailing and sustainable construction, the Dune House treads lightly on its surrounding nature.
- Location Terschelling, The Netherlands
- Client Private
- Year 2014
- Status Completed
- Program Private house
- Project architect Carlos Moreira
- Process manager Thomas Welink & Annemarie Swemmer
- Team Kasia Heijerman, Miriam Tocino, Anna Szcsurek & Jakub Zoha
- Interior designer Marc Koehler architects
- Technical description & execution AchterboschZantman architecten
- Structural engineer Pieters Bouw Techniek
- Builder P.A. Wiersma Aannemingsmaatschappij BV
- Interior builder Koen Vieugel
- Installations Bakker Installatietechniek
- Glazing construction Huijberts Gevelbouw
- Photographer Filip Dujardin
- Photoshoot stylist Friday Next