A publicly accessible urban village
The completion of Republica in Amsterdam-Noord marks a new chapter in the transformation of Buiksloterham, from an industrial park to a vibrant work-living community. With a debate on ‘social hubs in new neighborhoods’ on April 18 at Pakhuis De Zwijger, as well as the award ceremony of the Amsterdam Architecture Prize on April 25, we are proud to show how Republica has evolved into a new circular, and publicly accessible urban village.
What does sustainable collective living in the densified city of the future look like? That was the question behind Republica, one of the pioneer projects in the former industrial area of Buiksloterham in Amsterdam North, which is being transformed into a new piece of circular city. The answer is a functionally mixed and connected ‘urban village’ with a building density of FSI 3.3 and a remarkably high quality of housing and public realm.